Happy Friends/
'Iiyus Siiye'yu
Songs in Hul'q'umi'num' & English
Happy Friends/'Iiyus Siiye'yu was designed for everyone! It can be listened to at home, in our cars, or while out on a walk. It can also be used in classrooms as a 30 minute, or 45 minute music & movement class, or one song at a time.
We have songs that help participants get acquainted by learning each other's names ("Hickety Tickety") and learn common greetings and good manners. We also have a cleanup song which is great for transitions or as a tidy up song a home or in the classroom on its own.
Here is one example of how to plan a 45-minute music & movement class. The lesson plans start out with stationary songs and activities, then build activity level to travelling movement around the room, winding back down with a calmer focused listening song. One way to close the circle time is to simply sing the last line of our "Greetings" song ("Hey'ewulth, hey'ewulh, hey'ewulh 'iiyus siiye'yu...").
Another option is to choose songs that go with a theme, and add a favourite storybook that suits the lesson focus.