Happy Friends/
'Iiyus Siiye'yu
Songs in Hul'q'umi'num' & English
How to use our Resource Guide
The Resource Guide offers suggestions and additional options for implementing our songs in classrooms as action songs, focused listening activities or by using props like puppets, felt animals, rhythm sticks, drums, etc. The guide presents the lyrics and a list of any materials that are needed. It also lists which cd the song can be found on, the track number and, on cd#2, the song length.
It is designed to be in a binder format with moveable plastic folders so that pages can follow the order of your lesson plan. Page 1 is placed on the left and page 2 on the right in each binder so that both pages are side by side and visible. Please see the Resource Guide example.
If you are a teacher with School District 79 - Cowichan, the Indigenous Education Department has materials and posters for you to use. If not, please see our "Kits and Materials" page on this web-site for tips on how to build your own kit.
For quick reference, the bumblebee graphic indicates cd#1, while the ladybug graphic indicates cd#2.
The Happy Friends/'Iiyus Siiye'yu program was designed with child development in mind. It lists some of the benefits in the light blue box, such as gross or fine motor skills, focused listening skills, name recognition, etc. The "Function" of the song refers to what type of activity level the song is designed as; this could be stationary movement (child is seated but maybe making arm gestures, etc.), travelling movement (child is moving around the room or standing up and performing actions to the song), or focused listening (child is seated and focused on listening for specific sounds, words or a call to respond).
The section called, "Tips for including Babies and Toddlers" is designed for parents of young children or daycares. We appreciate the importance of introducing music and language to children birth to age six.